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Catastrophic Injury Lawyer New York City

Dealing with a catastrophic injury is painful and frustrating. You don’t have to face it alone. Suppose you or a loved one got seriously injured with a catastrophic injury and you were not the causing party of the accident. In that case, you may be entitled to receive monetary compensation to pay all the expenses that you have incurred.  

A catastrophic injury lawyer is the professional who will bring justice to you in such cases; they are trained to fight against insurance companies that deny coverage and file a lawsuit against the at-fault party if necessary.  

The Ward Law Group has the finest, most experienced, and most respected catastrophic injury lawyers in New York City. With over 10 years of experience, they have won millions of dollars in compensation for their clients. You can be one of the beneficiaries. 

What is a Catastrophic Injury? 

A catastrophic injury is a life-changing injury for any person who suffers it. Hard crashes cause them. When a victim survives a collision where high speed or reckless driving is part of the formula, the victim most likely will be harmed with a catastrophic injury.  

It does not only affect the surviving victim but also his/her family since they have to take care of them. Also, for any family member, seeing a loved one in bed without moving and struggling with pain all day is painful.  

Types of Catastrophic Injury 

There are different types of catastrophic injuries. A type of injury considered catastrophic is the one that leaves the victim with a long-term disability; they may not be able to work and may need a lot of time in rehabilitation and re-learn how to do basic things like walking or eating.  

Some of the injuries considered catastrophic are the following: 


Traumatic Brain Injury is a serious injury considered catastrophic because it affects the brain, and as the brain controls most of our body and behavior, that can be life-changing.  

 Sudden trauma or impact to the head may cause physical, cognitive, and emotional effects in a person.  

The physical symptoms that a person may experience are headaches, dizziness, fatigue, and problems with balance and coordination. The cognitive symptoms may involve memory, attention, concentration, and problem-solving difficulties.  

The emotional and behavioral symptoms of a TBI victim can manifest as irritability, mood swings, depression, anxiety, and social difficulties. 

They may need extra care and long rehabilitation that will bring a considerable financial burden for the family.  


The spinal cord is a delicate part of the body. An accident where the spinal cord gets injured by trauma in the surrounding structures, such as the vertebrae, ligaments, discs, or nerves, can cause long-term disability to a surviving victim.  

Based on the severity and location of the trauma, spinal cord injuries can be classified into two categories: complete or incomplete. They differ in the severity, area affected, and symptoms a person may develop.  

The most common signs or symptoms that people with spinal cord injuries show are loss of sensation or motor function below the injury site, paralysis or weakness in limbs, difficulty breathing or coughing, loss of bowel or bladder control, spinal pain or pressure, tingling or numbness, and muscle spasms or exaggerated reflexes.  

Surgery is sometimes necessary to remove fragments, repair damaged structures, or decompress the spinal cord. These injuries may leave the person with chronic pain, and they can develop other illnesses due to the spinal cord injury.  


Involvement in an accident where fire is present can have fatal consequences. Third-degree burns inflict severe damage to the skin, encompassing both the epidermis and dermis, and can extend further to impact the underlying muscles and bones. Such burn injuries are classified as catastrophic due to their enduring impact on the victim's life. 

During the recovery process, individuals experience excruciating pain and are left with permanent scars scattered across their bodies. Emotional distress and depression commonly afflict burn victims due to the altered appearance caused by their injuries. For individuals with severe burns, surgical intervention may be necessary to graft unaffected skin from other areas onto the affected regions. 


The loss of a limb is considered a catastrophic injury due to its profound and life-altering consequences. Of course, human beings can’t grow another arm or leg, so victims must learn how to do all the basic things without losing limbs.  

Amputation can have significant psychological and emotional impacts. Individuals may experience grief, depression, anxiety, and a loss of identity as they adapt to a new physical reality. Adjusting to an amputated limb and relearning daily tasks can be challenging and require substantial emotional resilience. 


It can be either partial or total paralysis, the result of a catastrophic injury. Paralysis is associated with TBI and Spinal cord injuries since the trauma is aimed at controlling parts of the body's movement.  

What are the Signs and Symptoms of Catastrophic Injuries? 

Let’s see a list of signs and symptoms of the catastrophic injuries we have discussed. 

Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI): 

  • Loss of consciousness, ranging from a few seconds to hours 
  • Headache, dizziness, or blurred vision 
  • Confusion, difficulty concentrating, or memory problems 
  • Nausea or vomiting 
  • Sensory changes, such as ringing in the ears or a bad taste in the mouth 
  • Mood swings, irritability, or changes in behavior 
  • Sleep disturbances, including insomnia or excessive sleepiness 
  • Sensitivity to light or sound 

Spinal Cord Injuries: 

  • Loss of movement or paralysis in the limbs (paraplegia or tetraplegia) 
  • Loss of sensation or altered sensation below the level of injury 
  • Difficulty breathing or coughing 
  • Loss of bowel or bladder control 
  • Spasms or exaggerated reflexes 
  • Changes in sexual function and fertility 
  • Chronic pain or intense stinging sensations 
  • Blood pressure control issues 


  • Redness, pain, and swelling at the burn site 
  • Blisters or open wounds 
  • Peeling, shedding, or blackened skin 
  • Difficulty breathing or coughing (if the burn affects the airways) 
  • Headache, dizziness, or confusion (in severe cases) 
  • Fluid loss leading to dehydration 
  • Infection at the burn site 
  • Scarring or disfigurement 


  • Loss of voluntary muscle control and function in affected areas 
  • Inability to move or feel sensations in the paralyzed limbs 
  • Loss of reflexes and muscle tone in the affected area 
  • Changes in blood pressure and heart rate 
  • Loss of bowel or bladder control 
  • Difficulty breathing, depending on the extent of the paralysis 
  • Chronic pain or nerve-related symptoms (e.g., tingling, burning) in the affected areas 

Long-Term Consequences of Catastrophic Injuries 

Depending on the severity and location of the injury, the long-term consequences can vary. For instance, a victim of a traumatic brain injury can have long-term implications for physical, cognitive, and emotional symptoms. They can suffer from sensory impairments, such as vision or hearing problems; many people with TBI have sleep disturbances and fatigue. 

People suffering from spinal cord injuries can have chronic pain and nerve-related symptoms, spasticity (muscle stiffness), muscle weakness, sexual dysfunction, and fertility issues, circulatory issues, such as low blood pressure or blood clots, among others. 

Victims of burns, besides the physical scarring and disfigurement, often suffer from chronic pain and discomfort at the burn sites. They also present psychological and emotional challenges, including depression, anxiety, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). There are also potential long-term complications related to internal organ damage. 

People with paralysis will require assistive devices or personal care due to their loss of mobility and independence. Muscle atrophy, weakness due to lack of use, and bowel and bladder dysfunction will also require management and assistance. There is an increased risk of developing other medical conditions, such as cardiovascular disease or osteoporosis. 

Causes of Catastrophic Injury 

Catastrophic injuries can happen due to different accidents. Most of the time, it involves motor vehicles, but there is always the possibility of getting these injuries from different types of accidents. Here is a list of the most common: 

What Types of Compensation Can I Recover a Catastrophic Injury 

Any person involved in an accident in New York can go directly to their insurance company for compensation. That is because New York is a no-fault state. However, suppose the negligent actions of another person caused your injuries. In that case, you may be entitled to receive fair compensation to cover all your expenses since your insurance may not be sufficient to pay for everything.  

You can file a claim for compensation for economic and non-economic damages. 

With economic damages compensation, you can pay for medical bills, prescription medication, loss of wages, and loss of future earnings. In contrast, non-economic damages allow you to get compensation for pain and suffering, emotional distress, loss of enjoyment of life, loss of consortium, disfigurement or scarring, and loss of reputation. 

Contact a Catastrophic Injury Lawyer in NYC 

The Ward Law Group is a distinguished law firm dedicated to securing fair compensation for individuals who have suffered catastrophic injuries. With an impressive track record spanning over 10 years, its team of skilled catastrophic injury lawyers has successfully recovered millions of dollars on behalf of its clients. 

With their extensive experience, deep understanding of the legal complexities surrounding catastrophic injuries, and a genuine passion for justice, The Ward Law Group provides exceptional legal representation. They diligently navigate the legal process, employing their expertise to build strong cases and fight tirelessly on behalf of their clients. 

Call now at 855-DOLOR-55 for a FREE consultation on your case. One of our lawyers will guide you and start the process. You don’t have to face this alone. Contact us now.