People choose to ride bicycles for a variety of reasons, both personal and economic. Exercise and fresh air make bike riding an invigorating and healthy means of transportation. Many individuals with short commutes tend to favor bikes over cars because of lower costs and fewer maintenance hassles. Furthermore, those interested in environmental concerns ride bikes to lower carbon emissions and reduce our reliance on fossil fuels.

Regardless of your reasons for getting on a bicycle, you're sharing the road with other vehicles that are faster, heavier, and capable of causing significant injuries should a bicycle accident occur. Since your bicycle is considered a vehicle, you must follow the rules of the road as though you were driving a car, truck, or motorcycle.

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Bike Accident Attorneys

Unfortunately, bicycle accidents do occur even if you do your best to follow traffic laws and make yourself visible to others on the road. This is especially true in urban areas with high traffic congestion and many nearby distractions. If a driver's negligence caused injury during a bicycle accident, you may be entitled to compensation for medical bills, pain, suffering, and lost wages.

Of course, many bicyclists may not know where to turn when injured. They don't have insurance on their bikes and may be unaware of the complexities of filing an insurance claim. This is especially true for Spanish-speaking cyclists who may feel overwhelmed by an insurance company's lingo and/or tricks.

Common Types of Bicycle Accident Claims that We Settle

While some bicycle accidents result from rider error or ignoring the rules of the road, the most serious accidents often involve other motor vehicles. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), 840 bicyclists were killed in motor vehicle crashes during 2016. This accounts for 2.2% of total fatalities in traffic accidents.

Like motorcycles, car drivers have a harder time spotting bicyclists. This is especially true when motor vehicle operators aren't following the rules of the road.

If your bicycle accident occurs because of a car or truck driver's negligence, the Ward Law Group can help you settle a claim. Our legal experts will ensure you receive the compensation you need for your medical bills, lost wages, and pain and suffering.

Here are just a few of the bicycle accident claims that we've settled:

Reckless Driving Accident: Speeding, inattention while lane-changing, and tailgating can all put a bicyclist at risk of major injuries.

Texting While Driving: Those who check their phones or other mobile devices aren't paying attention to their surroundings. Many states have laws banning the use of mobile devices while driving. If you were involved in a bicycle accident with a distracted driver, then you may be entitled to significant compensation.

Drunk Driving Accident: In 2016, alcohol was involved in 35 percent of fatal bicycle accidents. If a drunk or impaired driver caused you injury while riding a bike, we can help you get the compensation you need.

Road Rage Accident: Some people can't control their emotions in heavily trafficked areas. Sometimes, they take their rage out on cyclists just trying to share the road. We will address this unacceptable behavior (known as an intentional tort) while filing your bike accident claim.

Uber/Lyft Accident: Those employed by rideshare companies like Uber or Lyft often want to transport passengers quickly. This is how they make more money. Unfortunately, these drivers may neglect basic traffic safety laws to do so. Negligent Uber or Lyft drivers must pay for the damages they cause during bicycle accidents.

Types of Bike Accident Injuries & Compensation

Since bikers have very little protective equipment, getting into an accident can result in serious injuries. Even if they are wearing helmets, as they should every time they ride a bike, accident injuries can be debilitating or even life-threatening.

Consider yourself lucky if you walk away from a bicycle accident with road rash, cuts, and/or bruises. All too often, those involved in a bicycle accident suffer more serious injuries that can put them out of work, cause significant pain and suffering, and prevent them from spending quality time with loved ones.

Common types of bicycle injuries include:

Broken Bones: A broken arm or leg can limit your ability to work and provide for your family.

Concussions: Jolts or sudden blows to the head interrupting how your brain normally functions.

Spinal Cord Injuries: Damage to your spine or spinal cord can cause paralysis, muscle weakness, and significant pain.

Bulging or Herniated Discs: When a gel-like layer between the spine's bones sustains damage, it can pressure the spinal cord. This often results in pain, a lack of mobility, and, in severe cases, paralysis.

Damage to Internal Organs: A serious trauma can cause internal bleeding and damage to the organs. Types of internal injuries include punctured lungs, ruptured spleens, liver lacerations, etc.

Receiving Compensation for Your Bike Accident

If you are injured in a bicycle accident that isn't your fault, then you could be entitled to compensation for your injuries, lost work, and pain and suffering. Unfortunately, insurance companies want to save money by minimizing your injuries and offering you a quick payout below what you deserve. Why? Because insurance companies want to make a profit. They aren't always looking out for your best interests.

Instead, you need a lawyer who is an expert at processing personal injury claims. The Ward Law Group knows all the "tricks" of insurance companies. We will ensure you obtain the money you need to support your family and recover from your injuries.

You have enough to worry about as you heal. Let us communicate with the insurance companies and fill out the necessary paperwork. If the insurance company tries to deny your claim or offer you much less than you deserve, we will take them to court and fight to secure your livelihood.

The Ward Law Group has experience fighting for people involved in all accidents. For example, if you can no longer work because of a bicycle accident, you must obtain compensation to pay your bills and protect your family. Our firm once helped a single mother who lost her job at Pizza Hut because of injuries sustained during a high-speed collision. Our team of legal experts won over $390,000 in compensation for this woman so that she could support her family while she recuperated from her injuries.

Don't attempt to fight the insurance companies alone. The Ward Law Group can (and will) help you navigate the complicated world of insurance claims.

A Personal Injury Lawyer Can Help You Recover Losses from a Bicycle Injury

In addition to serving English-speaking personal injury victims, The Ward Law Group is passionate about providing bilingual legal services to the Spanish-speaking community. Don't let language become a barrier to getting the compensation you deserve for your claim. Contact our team of legal advisors at the Ward Law Group today!

Gregory Ward and Jany Martínez-Ward have recovered millions of dollars in personal injury compensation for car accident victims. They were recognized for a top 5 verdict in Florida in 2021. They obtained more than $2,000,000 in compensation for the victim of a truck accident. Don't leave the fate of your settlement to chance. Contact The Ward Law Group today to secure your legal rights and hire reputable insurance companies.

Maximizing Your Claim: Immediate Steps to Take After a Bicycle Accident

If you are involved in a bicycle accident, the first thing you want to do is reach a safe location. If your accident occurs at a busy roadway or intersection, go to a safe spot away from other traffic. If possible, move your bike away from the highway to protect it from further damage.

Make sure that you call 911 or your local emergency number. When possible, stay at the scene of the bicycle accident. When the police arrive on the scene, they will draft an accident report, which will go to your insurance company. If you have injuries that require immediate care, make sure to get the help that you need first and foremost. Emergency medical personnel will assess your injuries and recommend whether you need to receive specialized treatment at a hospital.

Contact the Ward Law Group ASAP if you sustained an injury because of another driver's negligence. Our team of bicycle accident specialists will help you file a claim and explain insurance companies' often confusing jargon.

Contact a Bike Accident Attorney For Help!

A personal injury claim can be a tricky, time-consuming process. This is especially true if you are in pain and worrying about how you're going to pay next month's bills. You have enough going on after a biking accident. We do the legwork with the insurance companies so that you can easily recover.

The process can be even more confusing if you are a Spanish-speaking individual who needs to file a claim. You may feel overwhelmed when struggling to understand the process of filing an insurance claim. By enlisting the help of the Ward Law Group, you don't have to worry about the additional language barrier. We communicate directly with the insurance companies and ensure they aren't exploiting you.

Important Statue: State laws often limit the time allowed to file a personal injury claim when you suffer a bike accident. Don't hesitate to call the Ward Law Group at 855-DOLOR-55 today! You deserve compensation for your injuries and suffering. Having the right lawyer by your side could make all the difference between a difficult transition back to health and a smooth post-accident recovery.