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Bicycle Accident Attorney in Queens

Cycling in big cities is a favor for the planet and our health. With the right safety measures, cycling is eco-friendly compared to using a motorized vehicle that generates CO2 emissions. That's why cycling is a popular way to get around in eco-friendly cities. 

This is the case in large cities such as Amsterdam, Copenhagen, Utrecht, and even Portland in the United States. In these cities, priority has been given to developing infrastructure and roads conducive to cycling activities. 

However, not all cities have prioritized this means of transport. In some US cities, getting around without a car is easy. The conditions for cyclists are hostile, and the alternatives to a motor vehicle are few. In these cases, the public transport system is often limited, and it could be said that the city is made only for those with a car. 

But what is the real situation for cyclists in Queens? In this area, efforts have been made to improve transport conditions for cyclists. Recently, cycling lanes have improved with protection from cars and other vehicles.

These initiatives promote using bicycles as a safe and more environmentally friendly alternative and a good option for surviving the excessive traffic that is sometimes generated in the Big Apple.  

However, New York is not yet considered a cyclist-friendly city. Although, more individuals are opting for bicycles as a means of transportation. Acknowledging the advantages and potential disadvantages of sharing the road in this context is essential. This is where the valuable assistance of a compassionate and professional bike accident attorney could make a difference. 

New York is a densely populated city with many people on the streets, which may not be favorable for cyclists. As we have said in other articles, prevention is the most important aspect of avoiding accidents.  

Bicycle Accident Laws in Queens 

We want you to be clear about some of the concepts and regulations of the legal framework affecting cyclists in New York. Understanding these principles will help you in your day-to-day life as a cyclist in Queens and help you understand which path to take to obtain possible compensation.  

Being aware of your rights is also an element of accident prevention. This way, you will know in which situations your freedom to move freely around the city is violated. 

Traffic Laws: Sharing the Road Responsibly 

Understanding the traffic restrictions to protect bikers and other road users is crucial. By the standards established by the state of New York, these Queen’s statutes treat bicycles as vehicles with the same rights and obligations as cars. Respecting traffic signals and stop signs and surrendering the right-of-way is polite and legal. 

Cyclists can use the whole lane, but drivers must stay a safe distance away when passing them. The "3 Feet Law" (Section 112 of the Vehicle and Traffic Law) in New York State requires that drivers give cyclists at least three feet of clearance when passing.

This legal requirement emphasizes the commitment to the security of cyclists and the shared responsibility of all road users. All cyclists under 14 are required by New York State law to ride with an approved bicycle helmet. With the passage of this law, the risk of head injuries will be reduced, and cyclists' road safety will be improved. Cycling enthusiasts can contribute to prioritizing their well-being and following the law by following this regulation. 

Importance of Hiring a Bicycle Accident Lawyer in Queens 

It is very difficult to deal with this kind of situation alone. That is why we at The Ward Law are concerned that our community does not feel lost or without any support. We believe that the intervention of an experienced bicycle accident lawyer is of the utmost importance in these types of cases. Some of the reasons are as follows: 

Protecting Your Rights

Following a bicycle accident, you might encounter difficulties interacting with insurance providers or adversarial parties. Your protector, a capable bicycle accident attorney, upholds your rights.  

Our professionals have tons of experience regarding the laws and policies governing bicycle accidents, enabling you to make decisions without being daunted by legalese. 

Bicycle Accident Injury Compensation

In a Queens bicycle accident injury case, you may be entitled to compensation for various damages and expenses. These can include ambulance and hospitalization costs, medical care and treatment bills, lost income and missed wages, pain and suffering, emotional and mental distress, permanent or temporary disability, decreased quality of life, and disfigurement from injuries. If you believe that someone else is at fault for your injuries, it is important not to bear the financial burden alone. Seeking assistance from a qualified bicycle accident attorney at The Ward Law Group can help ensure you receive the monetary recovery you deserve for the losses and hardships you have experienced due to the accident.

Building a Strong Case

Thorough research, gathering evidence, and careful planning are necessary for a successful legal case. To make a convincing argument to support your claim, your bicycle accident attorney will carefully gather key evidence, such as accident reports, medical records, and witness statements. 

Expert negotiation

Expert negotiation is the hallmark of an experienced bicycle accident attorney. They engage insurers and counterparties on your behalf, using their legal expertise to achieve the best possible outcome. 

Professional negotiation skills could make all the difference when making a legal argument before a judge. Our team is trained in the best negotiation techniques. At The Ward Law Group, we have years of experience and a deep understanding of negotiation strategies. We know the importance of finding mutually beneficial solutions and setting clear boundaries that cannot be compromised.

In other words, we could establish an estimated amount you could receive and not accept any offer below that point. 


Recovering from a bike accident is tough, especially when trying to heal physically and emotionally at the same time. Hiring a good lawyer lets you focus on your health while they handle the complex legal matters in your case. 

To receive a free evaluation of your case, contact The Ward Law. Our service-oriented bicycle accident attorneys are committed to standing up for your rights and pursuing the justice and financial compensation you are due.  

Let us represent you during this difficult period so you can concentrate on improving while we take care of the legal complexities. Reach out to us to start down the path to justice and take the first step toward the best possible solution to your case. 

Common Causes of Bicycle Accidents in Queens 

Cycling accidents are not strictly linked to one type of situation. Cases can vary greatly. Sometimes, it can involve a lot of aggression on the part of vehicle drivers, as in other cases, it can also be due to a distraction on the part of the cyclist.  

Perhaps it can be done by using headphones with loud music or not wearing glasses to see better when needed. As mentioned above, there are many causes and situations. We have compiled a list of the main ones: 

  • Car collisions: Driving alongside cars requires increased awareness. Drivers frequently underestimate or fail to see cyclists, resulting in collisions at intersections, crosswalks, and even during lane changes. Bike-car crashes can seriously hurt cyclists because bikes are smaller and slower than cars. 
  • Dooring Incidents: Imagine yourself riding a bicycle alongside a line of parked cars when, all of a sudden, a door swings open, obstructing your way. Opening a car door without checking for cyclists can cause a sudden crash, throwing them off balance and putting them in danger. 
  • Dangerous Road Conditions: Bicyclists can face serious risks from uneven road surfaces, potholes, and debris. A small pothole might annoy a car, but it could mean losing control and suffering a fatal fall for cyclists. These risks can be worsened by poorly maintained bike lanes, improper signage, and dim lighting. 
  • Intersection Conflicts: The busy junctions in Queens can be a hotspot for bicycle accidents. Conflicts ensue when automobiles fail to cede the right of way to cyclists, especially during turns. Misjudging a cyclist's speed or failing to anticipate their actions can result in crashes, which can be fatal. 
  • Distracted Driving: With smartphones and technology prevalent, distracted driving has become a serious problem. Bicyclists may go unnoticed by drivers preoccupied with their phones or other distractions until it is too late. Accidents that could have been avoided due to this carelessness can occur suddenly. 
  • Riding Against Traffic: Although some cyclists may believe that riding against the flow of traffic makes them more visible, this is a risky habit. When cyclists don't travel in the same direction as traffic as drivers expect, it can cause confusion and accidents. 
  • Lack of Cyclist Awareness: Drivers and cyclists are responsible for keeping the road safe. Some accidents occur due to a breakdown in communication and comprehension between the two groups. Education and communication campaigns may help make the road safer for everyone. 

Stay Vigilant, Stay Safe. By recognizing these common causes and taking preventative action, we can all work together to make the roads safer. Over time, the idea is that Queens will become one of the most cyclist-friendly places in the world.  

This could be achieved if the whole community, from their respective roles, motor vehicle drivers, cyclists, and even pedestrians, could do their part. 

How are fault and liability determined for a bicycle accident?

Fault and liability for a Queens bicycle accident are determined through a comprehensive assessment of the incident's circumstances. According to New York state laws, the responsibility for your injuries can be shared among various parties who contributed to the crash. In such cases, consulting with a bicycle accident attorney who can investigate and identify the negligent parties responsible for your injuries is essential. These parties may include drivers of vehicles, pedestrians, other bicyclists, employers of those involved, transportation companies, governmental entities, and even retailers selling defective bicycle equipment. A skilled attorney will carefully review the facts of your case to ascertain who is financially liable for your injuries, helping you understand the legal and financial implications of the accident.

Queens Bicycle Accident Statistics

Bicycle accidents have been a prevalent issue in New York City, as a New York Department of Transportation report indicates. In 2022 alone, nearly 5,018 bicycle accidents were reported, averaging close to 400 monthly incidents. For instance, in Queens, there were 850 bicycle injury reports in the same year. The frequency of these accidents underscores the need to understand their causes and implement measures to prevent them. Various factors contribute to bicycle collisions, with common causes including distracted motorists, cyclists, and pedestrians, speeding, failure to yield to cyclists, inadequate bicycle roadway infrastructure, inexperienced bicyclists, traffic congestion, and unsafe maneuvers. These factors collectively underscore the significance of addressing the issue of bicycle accidents in New York City.

Types of Injuries in Queens Bicycle Accidents

The injuries that could result from such an accident are varied. However, considering the most common ones will help us understand the seriousness of the matter and know what measures to take to promote a speedy recovery. Here are some examples: 

  • Brain injuries: The head is particularly vulnerable in cycling accidents. Wearing a properly fitted helmet is essential to reduce the risk of these accidents. However, even when wearing a helmet, cyclists can suffer head injuries, underlining the importance of caution and safety equipment. 
  • Broken or fractured bones: including those in the arms, legs, wrists, and collarbones, can result from collision impact. These injuries can be excruciatingly painful, necessitating medical attention, immobilization, and perhaps surgery. To ensure proper diagnosis and treatment, it is imperative to seek immediate medical attention. 
  • Soft Tissue Injuries: Common soft tissue injuries in bicycle accidents include abrasions, bruises, and road rash. Even though they might not seem serious, these wounds can cause complications and infections if not properly cared for. To avoid further harm, wounds must be promptly cleaned and dressed. 
  • Internal Injuries: The impact force in a bicycle accident can also cause organ damage or internal bleeding. These injuries might not be immediately obvious, so a careful medical evaluation is necessary to diagnose and treat them accurately. 
  • Emotional and Psychological Trauma: Although physical injuries are obvious, it is important to consider the emotional and psychological effects of a bicycle accident. Following a traumatic event, cyclists may experience anxiety, depression, or even post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Just as important as attending to physical injuries is seeking mental health support. 

Contact a Queens Bicycle Accident Attorney

The damage you have suffered must never go unpunished. The Ward Law Group will help you throughout the process, and your rights must be respected.

We understand that dealing with the aftermath of a bicycle accident can be overwhelming and confusing. Our dedicated team is here to provide the support and guidance you need during this difficult time. If you or a loved one has been involved in a bicycle accident, please do not hesitate to call us at 855-DOLOR-55. for help. Contact us today to schedule a free consultation, and let us help you take the first step toward recovery and justice. Your safety and well-being are our top priorities, and we're committed to helping you navigate the legal process easily and confidently.