Orlando Bicycle Accident Lawyer

The Orlando climate makes it possible for roads to be used by bicyclists 12 months of the year. Orlando roads can, however, be just as dangerous, if not more dangerous, for cyclists as more populated cities due to the number of residents and visitors using the city's public streets and highways annually.

If you or your loved one has been injured or worse because of a distracted, intoxicated, or otherwise negligent vehicle driver while cycling in Orlando, do not speak with the insurance company alone. Contact a skilled local bicycle accident attorney to help you get the recovery to compensate you for your losses.

After a Collison

Following a bicycle-vehicle collision, bicyclists should ensure that they do not further harm themselves and that they make deliberate decisions to protect their rights.

  • To avoid further injury, a bicyclist should remain seated or lying if moving is painful. If able, bicyclists should move to the side of the road or a sidewalk.
  • If medical treatment is needed, a bicyclist should request medical attention immediately. If medical treatment is needed later, the cyclists should not delay in seeking treatment.
  • The cyclist should remain at the scene for the police to arrive and speak to the assigned police officer to ensure that the cyclist's version of events is on record.
  • Prior to leaving the accident scene, a cyclist should get contact information from all involved parties and any witnesses.
  • Bicyclists should avoid speaking with the insurance company, making repairs to their bicycle, or giving the bicycle to the insurance company or anyone else prior to speaking with an attorney.
  • At the first opportunity, it is important that the accident victim complete a written statement about what happened to reduce the likelihood that details will be forgotten.
  • The cyclists should ensure that they have taken photos of any injuries, the bicycle, their clothing, and anything that was damaged at the time of the accident.

No-Fault Claims

When a person is injured in a vehicle accident, Florida exercises a no-fault standard. Under this standard, traffic accidents often result in injured victims filing claims with their own insurance company to compensate them for expenses stemming from the accident, such as, but not limited to bicycle repair or replacement and medical bills.

Generally, these expenses are covered under the personal injury protection policy, which is a mandatory policy that is required to cover a minimum of $10,000 in expenses per person, per accident.

The only exception to the no-fault standard when a person is injured in a vehicle accident is when the injury meets the threshold for serious injury. A serious injury is defined as one that causes death, permanent or significant loss of a bodily function, disfigurement, significant scarring, and/or permanent injury.

Under Florida law, when the victim in a vehicle accident suffers a serious injury, they can seek to recover from the at-fault driver's insurance company.

Talk to an Orlando Bicycle Accident Attorney Today

If you were injured in a bicycle crash in Orlando, it is likely that you will have to deal with an insurance company. Insurance companies generally do not take the claims of injured victims seriously until the victim is represented by an attorney.

To ensure that you do not help the insurance company increase its profits at your own expense following your bicycle accident, do not delay in contacting an experienced bicycle accident lawyer for assistance.