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New York CIty Electric Scooter Accident Lawyer

Personal electric transportation is taking over New York’s busy streets. Electric scooters and E-bikes are cheaper (and faster) than cars or public transit and don’t require registration or insurance. Major E-scooter corporations like Lime and Bird have launched thousands of scooters in NYC in the last few years. At the same time, companies like Fancy Apple are responsible for those brightly-colored electric bikes flooding the roads. 

However, they can be dangerous for riders. Accidents involving scooters and E-bikes are happening more and more often in NYC. Even with laws in place for electric scooters, bicycles, and other unregistered micro-mobility vehicles by the New York DMV, accidents are still occurring at staggering rates. 

Safety concerns linked to personal vehicles include:

  • Many electronic bikes and scooters are unstable and don’t offer any protection. 
  • Riders are vulnerable to distracted or speeding motorists.
  • Roadside clutter or uneven pavement can easily cause a crash. 
  • Drivers may not see riders on the road. 
  • E-scooters and bikes are especially popular with young and inexperienced riders.
  • Rent-to-ride companies target young consumers by boasting a fun, trendy, and cost-effective product. 

New York City E-Bike Accident Statistics 

New Yorkers face severe injury or death each year due to electric bike and scooter accidents. E-scooter, E-bike, and hoverboard injuries and deaths are on the rise, according to the US Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC). From 2017 to 2021, injuries spiked by 127 percent, and the number is growing with more electric bike and scooter sales. The NYC Bicycle Crash Data 2022 Report noted 50,726 traffic injuries and 247 traffic fatalities. 

Our experienced New York electric bike and scooter attorneys at The Ward Law Group are here to help if you or a family member have been hurt in an accident. Contact us today for a free consultation

Common Causes of Electric Scooter and Bike Crashes

With the booming e-scooter ride-share industry, electric scooter and bike accidents happen daily. Even the safest riders are susceptible to severe damage in an accident. Some of the most common causes of electric bike and scooter accidents include the following:

  • Collisions with cars, trucks, or other motor vehicles
  • Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs
  • Collisions with other riders or pedestrians
  • Manufacturing defects 
  • Defective or dangerous roadways
  • Violating the rules of the road
  • Failure to follow street signs or traffic lights

If another driver, pedestrian, or rider caused your accident, speak to an NYC bike accident lawyer today. 

Common Injuries Involving Electric Scooters and E-Bikes 

Always wear protective gear, especially a helmet, when riding an electric bike or scooter. These small vehicles can sometimes accelerate to speeds of up to 25 mph. The impact on a rider can be extremely serious, even at slower speeds. Bikers and scooters are at risk for damages like minor cuts and bruises to more intense injuries such as broken bones, fractures, head trauma, or internal injuries. 

Some typical injuries for riders involved in accidents include:

  • Spinal cord injuries
  • Head injuries, including concussions, skull fractures, and traumatic brain injuries.
  • Broken bones or fractures
  • Head and neck injuries
  • Abrasions, cuts, and contusions
  • Severe road rash
  • Internal injuries
  • Soft tissue damage, especially in the back, neck, and shoulders
  • Facial injuries, including lacerations, fractures, and dental damage

Our NYC electric scooter accident lawyers handle cases involving all kinds of injuries, including head injuries, broken bones, road rash, traumatic brain injuries, and more. We also take on wrongful death cases for people who have lost a loved one in a fatal E-bike or scooter accident.

Critical Next Steps After You’ve Been Injured in an Accident

Getting hurt in an accident can be a traumatic and life-changing experience. If someone else’s negligence caused your injuries, you must act immediately.

  • It’s essential to seek medical attention after an electric bike accident, even if you don’t feel instantly injured. E-bikes and scooters don’t offer much protection for riders, and sometimes injuries appear days or weeks after the accident.
  • Keep records of your expenses. This can include treatments, prescriptions, follow-up visits, other medical records, lost wages, and any other costs related to your recovery. This information will be important in calculating the amount of compensation you are entitled to.
  • Consult with an NYC electric scooter accident lawyer to understand your legal rights. If another person’s carelessness caused your accident, you may be entitled to compensation. For example, you may be able to file a claim with their insurance company. Your attorney can help you negotiate a settlement with the insurance company or file a lawsuit.
  • Don’t accept an insurance settlement offer without talking to your attorney first. Insurance companies often try to agree to a settlement right away. However, you may not know the full extent of your injuries and how much your claim is worth for months after your accident. If you accept a settlement from an insurance company, you cannot collect additional money for your injuries.

Who is Responsible for an E-Bike Accident?

If you were hurt in an accident, it doesn’t matter if the device is privately owned or rented; you still may be entitled to compensation. Contact an E-scooter injury lawyer in New York to discuss the details of your case. In some situations, a rental company, like Bird or Lime, may be held liable. If you own the bike or scooter, the party who caused the wreck is at fault.

Depending on the case, E-bike and scooter accident victims may have grounds to pursue a claim against the following:

  • A negligent third party, like another motorist
  • The City of New York, for a road defect
  • Construction or utility company for a road defect
  • A manufacturing company 

Ride-share and transportation corporations have lobbied for legal loopholes to make it challenging for accident survivors to pursue legal action. Some companies include liability provisions that riders (usually unknowingly) electronically sign, limiting their rights to file lawsuits. If you’re interested in pursuing damages after an electric bike or scooter accident, a personal injury can help. Our NYC electric bike injury attorneys will review your case to determine if you’re entitled to financial compensation for medical fees, lost income, and pain and suffering. 

The Ward Law Group is actively involved in micro-mobility legislation. We understand the statutes on these vehicles and the damage they can cause to victims. 

Financial Recovery For Your Injuries

You may be entitled to compensation if you have been hurt in an electric bike or electric scooter accident. These types of accidents can cause severe bodily harm, impact your quality of life, and negatively impact your job. 

The following may be taken into account when calculating compensation. 

  • Medical expenses, including medical treatment for your injuries, doctor visits, hospital stays, rehabilitation, and medication. This also includes future medical expenses. Depending on the gravity of your injuries, you may also need long-term care or ongoing medical treatment. 
  • If you were unable to work because of your accident, you may be entitled to compensation for lost wages. Lost wages include past and future lost earnings.
  • Pain and suffering compensation is designed to provide financial relief for the physical and emotional pain caused by the accident and its aftermath.
  • If your bike, scooter, or other personal property, like a laptop or phone, was damaged in the crash, you may be entitled to repayment for repairs or replacement.
  • If your injuries have affected your ability to participate in activities you enjoy, you may be entitled to compensation for the loss of enjoyment of life.

The compensation you can receive will depend on the specific details of your case. Talk to an NYC personal injury attorney to understand your legal options. The Ward Law Group is prepared to negotiate compensation with the insurance company or pursue a lawsuit. 

Are There E-Scooter & Bike Laws in New York City?

With the influx of these personal electric vehicles, NYC has responded with laws aimed at keeping people safe. 

For example, standard electric bikes cannot ride over 20 mph, and E-scooters cannot drive over 15 mph unless in a bike lane. Safety gear like helmets is only required for riders under 18. However, all riders must wear helmets if their vehicle exceeds 20 mph. Of course, it’s strongly recommended to wear a helmet regardless. Learn more about the electric bicycle and scooter laws in NYC here.  

In New York parks, regulations for E-Scooters require riders to adhere to park rules while operating their Scooters. These rules include riding exclusively on designated roads or paths within the park and parking only in designated areas. Further information on these regulations can be found on the NYC parks website or by reviewing the specific rules posted at the entrance of each park.

Note: Laws involving E-bikes, E-scooters, and other alternative forms of transportation are changing rapidly. That’s why it’s imperative to work with an up-to-date personal injury lawyer to help ensure you get the compensation you deserve for your injuries. 

Contact a New York E-Bike and Electric Scooter Accident Attorney 

If you’ve been involved in an electric bike or an electric scooter accident, contact the personal injury lawyers at The Ward Law Group. We have extensive experience successfully representing victims injured in electric bike and scooter accidents throughout NYC. If you have been hurt because someone was careless, you are entitled to fair compensation for your injuries. 

Filing a claim is time-sensitive. Book your free case evaluation today to learn more about how we can help you recover the compensation you deserve.