
Miramar Pedestrian Accident Lawyer

Taking a walk is often an excellent idea for improving physical and mental health, but this experience could turn sour if you find yourself subject to the carelessness of a driver who fails to pay attention to where and how they drive. The unsafe practices of other people behind the wheel may make you especially vulnerable when walking since you have nothing protecting you from a potential impact.

A Miramar pedestrian accident lawyer could stand by your side if you find yourself injured in an accident. The injuries you sustain by no fault of your own should not be your responsibility to pay for, so let an experienced pedestrian accident attorney help you seek the damages you deserve to recover. Call today to schedule your free initial consultation.

Establishing Liability

The likelihood that an injured person in a pedestrian accident receives compensation for their pain and suffering largely hinges on proving critical facts that demonstrate the motorist's culpability. The facts may include the driver's non-compliance with traffic law, the driver's carelessness as the indisputable cause of the accident, and the harm the pedestrian suffered as a result of the accident which led him or her to seek compensation in civil court.

A Miramar pedestrian accident attorney has the experience and knows the importance of proving these facts. Criminal cases require proving a case beyond a reasonable doubt, but a civil lawsuit requires only a preponderance of the evidence that the driver caused harm to the plaintiff and should pay damages.

Pursuing Compensation for Losses and Injuries

The Florida Department of Transportation reports that the rate of pedestrian injuries in the state is nearly twice the national average: 2.60 per 100,000 people. To help a plaintiff recover damages, a pedestrian accident lawyer in Miramar may seek a claim on their behalf for:

  • Personal injury protection (PIP) benefits under Florida Statute §627.7407, which are paid up to $10,000 through the plaintiff's auto insurance
  • Uninsured/underinsured motorist benefits from the plaintiff's insurer if the driver liable for the accident does not have enough insurance to cover the damages that they to recover in excess of PIP benefits
  • Damages through a lawsuit against the responsible driver for compensation in excess of the plaintiff's PIP benefits if their damages total more than $10,000, which is often true in pedestrian accidents

Taking a walk should not result in broken bones, mental anguish, and potentially loss of life. A distracted, intoxicated, or otherwise negligent driver should take responsibility when their actions harm other people. In order to ensure that they do, individuals should contact a dedicated Miramar pedestrian accident lawyer that could build their claim.

How a Miramar Pedestrian Accident Attorney Could Help You Seek Restitution

If you have been injured, you may need help from a Miramar pedestrian accident lawyer who understands the protections the law provides and how to leverage them to your advantage. Also, a well-established law firm will have an in-house doctor who can provide medical insight for your injury case.

If you seek assistance from a qualified attorney, you could take confidence knowing your case would be handled carefully and diligently. Call today to schedule an appointment with a devoted lawyer. The decision could make all the difference for you in the immediate and long-term.