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Distracted Driving Accidents

At The Ward Law Group, we are committed to helping you get the compensation you deserve. Distracted driving accidents are becoming an increasingly common cause of injury and death in Florida, and it's important that those who've been harmed by such negligence get the help they need.

Distracted Driving Accident Attorneys in Kissimmee

If you work with us, we will do our best to help you get the best possible outcome for your case. Every distracted driving accident attorney at our firm has extensive experience and knowledge in this area of law, and we'll put that to work for you. Contact us today for a free case consultation!

Distracted Driving Statistics in Kissimmee

Driving is one of the most dangerous things we do every day, and that's why it's so important to keep our eyes on the road. As much as we know this, it can be difficult to fight against distractions while driving. From billboards to phones, there are many things that can take our attention away from the road.

How many accidents are caused by distracted driving? In Florida, distracted driving is a serious problem. According to the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles, more than 56,571 crashes in 2021 involved a driver who was distracted by something inside or outside the vehicle.

The most common reasons that distracted drivers were texting, calling, being too tired to focus, and eating.

Common Injuries from Distracted Driving Crashes in Kissimmee

Injuries from distracted driving crashes can be serious. One of the most common is soft-tissue injury. Soft-tissue injuries are caused by the impact of a crash and include sprains, strains, and minor broken bones. They are often painful and can take weeks or months to heal completely.

Back injuries are another common personal injury claim resulting from distracted driving crashes. If you're injured in an auto accident, you may have difficulty walking or bending over for weeks or months after the crash. You might also suffer chronic pain for years afterward, which can cause problems with your job and family life.

The severity of back injuries is based on the amount of damage to your spinal cord or vertebrae (bones in your spine). For someone involved in a car accident, getting the right medical treatment is important to their recovery. Also, having the right distracted driving accident lawyer on your side can make a big difference in the outcome of your case and help you regain the life you once had before the accident.

Common Causes of Distracted Driving

There is also a good chance you may become a distracted driver as well. That's why everyone should know about the different types of distractions that can occur while driving in order to prevent this tragic problem.

Visual: Visual distraction is the driver's inability to focus on the road ahead of them. It could be caused by another vehicle in your lane, a pedestrian crossing the street, or even something as simple as other drivers using their turn signal.

Manual: Manual distractions occur when your hands or feet are doing something other than driving the vehicle. Manual distractions include:

  • Eating and Drinking: Eating and drinking while driving can be risky because it requires both hands to eat or drink something while driving the vehicle.
  • Texting: Texting and messaging can easily lead to distracted driving because it requires two hands, even though you need both hands on the steering wheel to safely drive the vehicle.

Cognitive: Cognitive distraction is when the driver's mind is occupied with something other than driving. This could include thinking about an upcoming meeting or thinking about how you are going to pay off that credit card bill that just arrived in the mail.

Distracted Driving Laws in Florida

On May 17th, 2019, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis signed a new bill into law that targets distracted driving. The bill makes it illegal to enter letters or numbers into a phone while operating a vehicle.

This includes sending emails, texting, or messaging. If a driver is caught breaking the law, they will be pulled over and cited immediately. The new law is a much-needed step in combatting the growing problem of distracted driving.

The penalties for breaking this new law are steep: a $30 fine plus court costs, three points on your license, and possible jail time if you cause an accident while texting behind the wheel. With the help of laws like this, we can hopefully start to reverse this trend and make our roads safer for everyone.

Distracted Driving Awareness

With the highest recorded distracted driving incidents in 2021, the state of Florida is working to bring awareness to the dangers of distracted driving. The Florida Highway Patrol provides the public safety tips for the public to follow:

Pull off your car to a safe location when expecting a text message or calling someone.

If you have someone with you, ask them to handle the cell phone for you for any calls and text messages.

Do not engage in social media while driving.

Putting your phone into its "Do not disturb" feature will help reduce the urge to look at it while driving.

Contact a Distracted Driving Car Accident Attorney Today!

If you've been injured in a distracted driving accident, you may be eligible for compensation. The Ward Law Group can help you navigate the complexities of Florida's personal injury laws and fight for the justice you deserve.

We offer free consultations and aggressive representation for victims of distracted driving accidents in the Kissimmee area. We can assist with:

  • Accident investigation and reconstruction services
  • Medical bills and lost wages
  • Property damage repair or replacement
  • Pain and suffering damages

Contact The Ward Law Group today and schedule your free consultation. We'll review the facts of your case and help you understand your legal options.