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I have a Dream Field Day

April 24, 2024 | Jany Martinez Ward
I have a Dream Field Day

I am proud to work with initiatives like the I Have a Dream Foundation. It gives me a sense of honor and gratitude to life for putting me in a situation where I can help the future of our community: the children.

At some point in my life, I dreamed of having enough energy and possibilities to help children regain faith in life and realize that there are people who will help them selflessly and care about their future.

We recently shared a wonderful picnic day with 50 children. We carried out activities, dynamics, games, and a beautiful sharing in which the children could smile, get to know each other, and spend a day of fun within a recreational and healthy environment, which already favors the development of a positive attitude towards life.

The fact that they are heard, seen, and recognized as individuals with individual characteristics and talents to develop already has a favorable impact on their lives.

What would the world be like if every child on the face of the earth could receive more moments like this where they are recognized for being themselves? They are accompanied by every smile they have and ask something basic so that they always feel loved: How have you felt today?

Every smile, laugh, and shared play reminds us of each child's unlimited potential, of all the great love God gave them, and of all their creativity and intelligence. For me, the most important thing in the world is service to the community; it is giving back a little of what God gives us, of his love and generosity.

I wish every day were a picnic. In this last event, we managed to gather 50 children, participate together in many fun moments, share pizza, and develop group spirit in each one.

It is worth mentioning that the group dynamics that we carry out, the games, and all the activities also reinforce a sense of leadership in these children. They grow up knowing how to integrate into new groups while being able to be themselves. Always respecting their authenticity and knowing how to recognize their talents.

The work of The Ward Law Group, together with the I Have a Dream Foundation, seeks to transcend for the future but, above all, build the present. This is the only possible time when we can truly implement changes. The here and now. That seed will bear fruit as a result of work, empathy, and a compassionate look toward the new members of the community of the future.

The Ward Law Group's essential values around service make sense through activities such as the one recently experienced with these little ones. It is in those moments of gratitude that we realize that it has been worth it all the way to get here. It has been worth every second in which we pursued our goals to overcome the difficulties along the way.

We share that desire to continue despite the obstacles in these events with the new generations. We want our company's resilient and creative spirit to be imprinted in the hearts and eyes of these small giants who will make our society the inclusive place we all want. We still dream that when a child feels alone, a compassionate gaze will arrive that can change sadness into smiles and the will to live.

I thank the entire team from The Ward Law Group for making this possible. We are sure that there will continue to be other ways to share the joy of growing together.

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Jany Martinez Ward

Jany Martínez-Ward is a Founding and Managing Partner of The Ward Law Group, PL, a Florida law firm representing victims of car accidents. She focuses her practice on providing legal representation to Hispanic clients that have become injured in a car accident as a result of the negligence of others. In 2018, The National Trial Lawyers Association recognized Jany as one of the top attorneys in the state and among the top 40 under 40 attorneys.


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