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Concussion Injury Lawyer In Nassau County

How can the rest of the body remain healthy if the head is not well? If, in one second, a blow shakes an important organ such as the human brain, what will the rest of the body do then?

Will it function properly without the correct guidance of an organ as mysterious to science as our brain?

The human brain serves as the command center for the body, orchestrating the functions of every organ and muscle, processing thoughts and emotions, and interpreting sensory information.

Even a mild traumatic brain injury can result in a range of physical, cognitive, and emotional symptoms, disrupting daily life and potentially leading to personality changes.

Disease control and prevention are important to avoid long-lasting consequences of a brain injury.

Understanding the Causes and Effects of a Concussion Brain Injury - is a concussion a traumatic brain injury?

How Your Brain Functions

Comprised of neurons communicating through a mix of chemical and electrical signals, the brain's intricate network stores memories and facilitates the flow of information to control the body, generate thoughts, and perceive the environment. The spinal cord and cranial nerves act as conduits, connecting the brain with the body and head.

Sensory information collected by sense organs, such as the eyes, ears, nose, tongue, and skin, travels to the brain, is decoded, and is used to regulate bodily functions. For instance, if your skin senses heat, your brain prompts your body to respond accordingly, adjusting heart rate and directing muscle movement.

Protective Measures from the Brain

Given its vital role, the brain benefits from a dual-layered protection system. The skull shields the brain from impacts, and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) is a cushion resembling the padding inside a helmet. With a viscosity slightly thicker than water, the CSF slows the brain's motion, preventing it from striking the inside of the skull.

Understanding Concussion Injuries

While the CSF typically prevents serious brain injuries, a concussion can occur when the pressure of the fluid results in mild brain damage.

 Head trauma, such as slipping and falling or experiencing rapid acceleration or deceleration in a car or motor vehicle accident, can lead to a concussion. Also, contact sports could provoke this dangerous situation.

In some instances, severe forces may overcome the CSF's protection, causing the brain to slam into the skull and result in a contusion, a potentially life-threatening injury.

Damage to brain cells and the body's inflammatory response to tissue damage can lead to physical, cognitive, and emotional effects following a concussion injury.

What Are Some Symptoms of Concussion Head Injuries?

Experiencing a concussion injury can manifest in various physical symptoms, including:

  • Headache
  • Brain trauma
  • Lose consciousness
  • Blurry vision
  • Seeing stars
  • Tinnitus
  • Slurred speech
  • Clumsiness
  • Dizziness or nausea leading to vomiting
  • Drowsiness

In addition to physical symptoms, a concussion can impact cognitive functions, resulting in:

  • Confusion
  • Brain fog
  • Memory loss
  • Difficulty concentrating

Furthermore, concussions may affect emotions, triggering:

  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Paranoia
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)

Typically, these symptoms clear up within two months post-injury, during which rest and light duty at work may be necessary.

In rare cases, particularly those involving PTSD, individuals may develop post-concussion syndrome (PCS), where symptoms persist beyond two months, potentially evolving into chronic health issues lasting months or years.

How Physicians Assess Concussion Severity

Doctors categorize concussions as mild, moderate, or severe, with severity influencing symptom duration. The Glasgow Coma Scale is one method used for this assessment, considering eye-opening, motor, and verbal responses.

A mild concussion commonly involves spontaneous eye-opening, normal movement and coherent responses.

A moderate concussion may involve delayed responses and incoherent answers, while a severe concussion, often involving a loss of consciousness, affects movement, speech, and cognitive function.

How Long Do I Have to Initiate a Lawsuit for Brain Injury?

Stringent time constraints are associated with filing brain injury lawsuits, governed by the statute of limitations in New York.

The general timeframe for personal injury claims, including those related to brain injuries, is three years from the date of the injury. Failing to file within this period jeopardizes your eligibility for rightful compensation.

Exceptions exist within the statute of limitations. In cases where the brain injury results from medical malpractice, the window for filing is reduced to two and a half years.

Minors who have sustained the injury may pursue a claim upon reaching adulthood, with the statute of limitations postponed until their 18th birthday.

It's crucial to note that these timelines hold legal weight and can significantly impact your ability to seek compensation.

If you've experienced a brain injury, contacting The Ward Law Group promptly is essential.

Our attorneys are well-versed in New York laws, ensuring you remain within the legal deadlines. We'll initiate the legal process promptly to safeguard your right to compensation.

How Long Do the Effects of Traumatic Brain Injuries Last?

The duration of traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) varies based on the injury's severity. While many TBIs show improvement within hours or days, the timeline is contingent on factors such as the extent of the injury to the brain.

For instance, a concussion may see symptoms resolving in a matter of days or a few months, whereas more severe brain injuries can lead to prolonged symptoms requiring medical intervention.

Individuals with substantial brain injuries or mild tbi may contend with lasting symptoms, necessitating specialized care such as neuropsychological, speech, physical, or cognitive therapy.

In severe cases, some may struggle to regain their pre-injury mental and physical activity, relying on long-term care.

Initiating legal assistance early is crucial. The Ward Law Group, with our team of experienced Long Island brain injury attorneys, collaborates with healthcare and long-term care experts.

We strive to assess your prognosis comprehensively, understanding the potential long-term impact on your life. Our commitment is to fight for the compensation you deserve, securing your future and your family.

How Another Party May Be Held Responsible for Your Head Injuries in Nassau County?

While accidents like slipping in the bathtub or experiencing a mishap with a light fixture at home can result in head injuries, a significant number of these injuries are caused by the actions or negligence of others.

In cases involving:

  • A distracted or impaired driver, a defective auto part, or inadequate road maintenance cause a traffic accident.
  • A violent assault is where legal action can be pursued against the offender in civil court, regardless of criminal charges or convictions.
  •  A slip and fall incident on someone else's property due to negligence in maintenance or failure to address hazards.
  • A sports injury stemming from inadequate supervision, faulty equipment, or poorly maintained playing surfaces.
  • Medical malpractice includes instances such as incorrect surgery or failure to protect a nursing home patient from a fall that results in head injuries.

The skilled head injury attorneys at The Ward Law Group will thoroughly investigate to identify the responsible party for the harm you've endured.

Our commitment is to hold those accountable and seek the compensation you deserve for your injuries in Nassau County.

Recognizing that you are facing one of the most challenging periods in your life, we encourage you to take the necessary time for healing. While you focus on rest and rehabilitation, we stand by your side, providing comprehensive support:

Our Brain Injury Lawyers could help you in the following aspects:

  • Vigorous Negotiation: Engaging in assertive negotiations with opposing attorneys and insurance adjusters on your behalf.
  • Thorough Investigation: Examining the accident site, reviewing surveillance videos, scrutinizing police records, and studying medical reports.
  • Defendant's History Examination: Investigating the defendant's background for any history of misconduct.
  • Witness Interviews: Gathering statements from witnesses who can substantiate our claims.
  • Expert Consultations: Collaborating with experts who can provide valuable insights, especially in trial preparation.

Our proven track record includes numerous successful outcomes. While we often secure damages without entering a courtroom, we are always prepared to litigate vigorously if necessary.

Assessment of Future Needs

Our experienced head injury attorneys, armed with refined techniques from extensive study and practical experience, assess your future needs.

We tailor our approach to your current progress, prognosis, potential return to work, ongoing medical care requirements, and family obligations.

We also evaluate the likelihood of the court finding partial responsibility on your part, such as if intoxication played a role in the accident. In such cases, the court may assign a percentage of responsibility, impacting the awarded amount.

Our primary goal is to ensure you receive maximum compensation covering the following:

  • Lost wages
  • Present and future medical expenses, visiting centers for disease control, or health care.
  • Lost earning power
  • Property damage
  • Rehabilitative care
  • Replacement services
  • Pain and suffering
  • Emotional distress
  • Permanent disability
  • Loss of enjoyment of life and daily activities

For those who have experienced the wrongful death of a loved one due to a head injury, we strive to secure funds for final medical expenses, funeral and cremation/burial costs, and compensation for the loss of financial and emotional support from the deceased.

Testing and Diagnosis for Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)

When diagnosed with traumatic brain injury (TBI), immediate medical attention is imperative.

The initial focus is on stabilizing the patient and preventing further injuries. The diagnostic process involves:

  • Comprehensive Examination: A swift examination of the entire person, followed by a complete neurological exam.
  • Neurological Exam: Utilizing the Glasgow Coma Scale and assessing pupil responsiveness to bright lights. Wide or dilated eyes on one side may indicate large mass lesions or high intracranial pressure (ICP).
  • Brain Stem Reflex Testing includes evaluations of reflexes such as gag and blinking.
  • Computed Tomography (CT) Scans: Considered the gold standard for diagnosing head injuries, providing detailed images.
  • X-ray Imaging: Less accurate than CT scans, not recommended for mild neurological dysfunction evaluation.
  • Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI): In addition to conventional diagnostic methods, emerging therapies play a crucial role in TBI management:
  • Neurofeedback Therapy: A non-invasive approach involving real-time monitoring of brain activity, aiding in self-regulation and cognitive function improvement.
  • Virtual Reality Therapy: Utilizing immersive environments to stimulate cognitive functions and assist in rehabilitation.
  • Cognitive Rehabilitation: Tailored programs focusing on cognitive skill development, memory enhancement, and overall brain function improvement.
  • Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT): Involves breathing pure oxygen in a pressurized room, potentially promoting healing and reducing inflammation in the brain. These cutting-edge therapies, combined with advanced diagnostic techniques, contribute to a comprehensive approach to addressing traumatic brain injuries.

Contact the best Concussion injury lawyer in Nassau County

If your concussion results from someone else's negligence, seeking compensation is vital. This can encompass economic losses like medical expenses and lost income, as well as non-economic losses reflecting the impact on your quality of life, such as pain, mental anguish, and limitations in activities.

Following a concussion, symptoms may impede one's ability to work for weeks or months, affecting overall quality of life.

To explore the compensation options available for your concussion injury, contact The Ward Law Group at 855-DOLOR-55 to schedule a consultation. Our attorneys are here to assist you and provide guidance during this challenging time.