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Drunk Driving Lawyer In Nassau County

At The Ward Law Group, we recognize the pervasive and devastating impact of drunk driving on our society. Like any community, Nassau County is not immune to this issue, which can profoundly affect the lives of its residents.

As part of our ongoing commitment to our community's safety and well-being, we actively raise awareness about the dangers of drunk driving through various communication channels. Recommendations such as having an ignition interlock device always available in your vehicle are part of our frequent messages.

Through our dedicated efforts, we strive to provide relevant and impactful content to our audience, focusing on promoting safety and integrity within our community.

By generating informative materials and fostering discussions around responsible driving habits, we aim to empower individuals to make informed choices and contribute to creating safer roads for everyone.

Driving under the influence is a reckless act that can have devastating consequences. If you've been injured in a DUI accident, you deserve justice and fair compensation for your losses.

However, navigating the legal process to obtain the compensation you deserve can be challenging. That's where The Ward Law Group comes in.

Our experienced team of Nassau County car accident lawyers is here to advocate for your rights and ensure you receive the full compensation you're entitled to.

With a collective experience spanning several decades, our attorneys are dedicated to assisting accident victims like you in recovering fair compensation for their injuries.

When you choose The Ward Law Group, you can expect:

  • A thorough investigation into your case to gather evidence supporting your claim
  • Identification of all parties who may be liable for your injuries
  • Access to a network of experts and specialists to strengthen your case
  • Protection against attempts by the at-fault party to shift blame onto you
  • Skillful negotiation with insurance companies to maximize your compensation

If you've been injured in a DUI accident, our Nassau County personal injury attorneys are here to support you every step of the way.

Contact us today to schedule a free case evaluation. We're ready to listen to your story, discuss your legal options, and fight for the justice you deserve after an accident related to drunk driving in New York.

Determining the Value of Your Nassau County DUI Accident Case

Victims of DUI accidents in Nassau County, New York, have the right to seek accountability from negligent drivers by pursuing a personal injury lawsuit in civil court.

It's important to note that this legal action is separate from ongoing criminal proceedings. Under New York personal injury laws, accident victims are entitled to financial compensation, known as damages, to address their losses.

The worth of your case hinges on several key factors, including:

  • The extent of your physical injuries
  • The expenses associated with your medical treatment and care
  • The impact of the injury on your ability to work and carry out daily activities
  • The establishment of liability for the accident

When someone recklessly chooses to drive under the influence, they must bear responsibility for the harm they cause. You should not settle for anything less than full compensation for the damages you've endured due to your actions.

Our attorneys at The Ward Law Group are committed to fighting for your rights and pursuing the maximum compensation you deserve in Nassau County. All it takes is a simple call to get started on your case.

Types of Damages Available to DUI Accident Victims in Nassau County

If you've been injured in a DUI accident in Nassau County, New York, you may be entitled to recover both economic and non-economic damages.

Economic damages encompass tangible financial losses and out-of-pocket expenses, including:

  • Past and future medical bills
  • Lost wages and income
  • Decreased earning potential in the future
  • Expenses for physical therapy, rehabilitation, and ongoing care
  • Property damage and other accident-related costs

Non-economic damages are more subjective and address the personal impact of the accident, such as:

  • Pain and suffering
  • Emotional distress and mental anguish
  • Diminished quality of life
  • Permanent physical disfigurement or scarring
  • Psychological conditions such as anxiety, depression, or PTSD
  • Loss of companionship or consortium

In cases involving egregious negligence or intentional misconduct, New York courts may also award punitive damages to punish the at-fault party.

Fighting for Full Compensation for Your DUI Accident Injuries in New York

At The Ward Law Group, we understand the devastating impact that DUI accidents can have on victims. That's why we are committed to fighting for full compensation for all of your DUI accident injuries in New York, including:

  • Brain injuries
  • Spinal cord injuries
  • Whiplash
  • Concussions
  • Chest injuries
  • Back injuries
  • Organ damage
  • Broken bones
  • Burns
  • Amputations
  • Nerve damage
  • Soft tissue damage
  • Paralysis
  • Catastrophic injuries
  • Airbag or seatbelt injuries
  • Wrongful death of a loved one

If you're ready to take legal action and seek justice for your injuries, our experienced attorneys at The Ward Law Group are here to help.

Proving Negligence After a DUI - Drive while impaired - Accident in New York.

In the state of New York, driving under the influence is not only a criminal offense but also a form of negligent behavior. Proving negligence after a DUI accident requires demonstrating that the responsible party failed to exercise reasonable caution.

To establish negligence in a DUI accident case in New York Law, you must demonstrate the following four elements:

  1. The responsible party owed you a legal duty of care.
  2. They breached that duty by driving under the influence.
  3. The breach directly caused the accident.
  4. You suffered damages as a result of the accident.

Drivers in New York have a legal duty to operate their vehicles safely and adhere to traffic laws. Driving under the influence constitutes a breach of this duty and is considered unsafe and unlawful.

However, to succeed in your claim, you must provide evidence that the drunk driver's actions directly caused the accident and resulted in your injuries or damages.

Can Criminal DUI Charges Affect My Personal Injury Case?

Following a DUI accident, the intoxicated driver may face criminal charges such as driving under the influence of alcohol, vehicular homicide, or DUI manslaughter in cases involving fatalities.

However, it's important to understand that criminal charges against the driver do not impede your right to pursue a personal injury claim or lawsuit for damages.

In a legal context, the burden of proof in a criminal case differs from that in civil cases. Even if the state drops charges against the drunk driver or if they are acquitted, you may still be able to recover damages through a personal injury case.

Alternatively, if the driver is convicted, that conviction can serve as evidence to support your personal injury claim.

It's worth noting that your personal injury case may experience delays until the conclusion of the criminal proceedings. While this may necessitate patience on your part, rest assured that your case can proceed once the DUI case reaches its resolution.n you deserve. Contact us today for expert guidance and representation.

Drunk Driving Statistics in Nassau County

Drunk driving, or driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs, poses significant dangers not only to the intoxicated driver but also to everyone sharing the road.

The consequences extend beyond the immediate risk to lives and result in substantial financial burdens for society.

 Drunk driving accidents cost taxpayers billions of dollars annually despite being entirely preventable. Unfortunately, these incidents continue to impact tens of thousands of lives in America each year.

According to statistics compiled by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), the sobering reality of drunk driving includes:

On average, 28 individuals lose their lives every day in the United States due to alcohol-related crashes, equating to one death every 53 minutes.

Alcohol-related car accidents impose a financial burden of approximately $52 billion on American taxpayers each year.

In 2015, there were 10,265 fatalities resulting from alcohol-related car crashes, with 181 of them being children under the age of 14.

Roughly one-third of all traffic crash fatalities in the U.S. involve alcohol.

Men are statistically more likely to engage in drunk driving compared to women.

Public awareness campaigns, state safety grant programs, and NHTSA research have collectively saved over 14,000 lives over the past decade and significantly reduced drunk driving fatalities in many states.

Alarmingly, even a minimal amount of alcohol can contribute to fatal accidents. In 2014 alone, 1,764 individuals died with a blood-alcohol concentration (BAC) below the legal limit of .08%.

Understanding the Effects of Alcohol on Driving Ability

Alcohol affects individuals differently, but certain trends emerge as consumption increases. The NHTSA provides insights into the effects of various blood alcohol concentrations (Blood Alcohol Content BAC) based on chemical tests to measure the influence of drugs:

  • At .02% BAC, individuals may experience relaxation, altered mood, and slightly impaired judgment. Driving with a .02% BAC can hinder eye coordination and multitasking abilities.
  • A .05% BAC can lead to exaggerated behavior, decreased alertness, and reduced fine motor skills. Drivers may struggle to track moving objects and have slower response times.
  • At the legal limit of .08% BAC, significant impairment in coordination, memory, judgment, and reasoning occurs. Concentration, perception, and reaction time are notably diminished.
  • A .10% BAC results in obvious impairment, including slurred speech and reduced motor skills. Drivers may struggle to maintain lane position and safely operate pedals.
  • A .15% BAC poses substantial dangers, including nausea, loss of balance, impaired reasoning, and compromised motor functions. Individuals at this level are highly susceptible to accidents.

These statistics underscore the critical importance of never driving after consuming drugs or alcohol.

With the availability of technology and ride-sharing services like Uber and Lyft, there are safer alternatives to driving under the influence and being affected by a DWI or DWAI - DWI conviction.

Contact A Drunk Driving Accident Lawyer

If you've been injured in a drunk driving accident in Nassau County or the surrounding areas, you don't have to face this ordeal alone. You might be wondering if drunk driving is a Felony, and the answer is yes, and it should be penalized by the courts. All victims of these acts deserve to have their rights safeguarded.

Even measures such as license suspension can be applied without any problem.

The dedicated attorneys at The Ward Law Group are here to provide you with compassionate legal representation and fight for the justice you deserve.

To schedule a free consultation with one of our experienced attorneys, call us at 855-DOLOR-55 or contact us online. We are committed to advocating for accident survivors and helping them rebuild their lives after such traumatic events.