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Kissimmee Car Accident Lawyer

Car accidents are more common than we think, and the damages they can cause range from minor to grievous. Being a victim of these accidents can set you back financially, making it hard to recover. Those at fault must be held responsible, and compensation must be provided to those affected. You’ll need a skilled and experienced lawyer specializing in the field to obtain this outcome.

The Ward Law Group has helped many residents of Kissimmee get the representation they deserve and secure a favorable outcome. Contact us if you or a loved one became involved in a car accident. We’ll help fight for your rights and get you the best possible results for your case.

How Common are Car Accidents in Kissimmee?

According to the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles, in 2017 alone, there were more than 400,000 crashes in Florida, with around 3,000 resulting in fatalities. Kissimmee is a major tourist attraction, and many drivers are unfamiliar with the roads in and around the metropolitan area. Unfortunately, in recent years, this has led to daily car accidents, resulting in minor, severe, catastrophic injuries or death.

Today, stories of fatal car accidents are in the news almost daily. In June 2021, a Mercedes was involved in a single-car crash on the John Young Parkway in Osceola County, killing the occupant’s driver and leaving a passenger in critical condition. The car went off the road, hit a tree, ejected both men and then caught on fire. Neither man was wearing a seat belt.

In another accident in September 2020, four people were killed in Osceola County in a two-vehicle collision on U.S. 441. The road conditions were slick from recent rain, and one of the cars, a sedan, veered off the road, and a pickup truck then t-boned the sedan. Three people in the sedan were killed, and the truck driver, who was not wearing a seat belt, was also killed.

Stories of car accidents like these in Florida are, sadly, all too common. In yet another tragic case, in May 2021, a woman was pulled over with her hazard lights on on the side of the Florida Turnpike in Orange County when a man driving an SUV crashed into the woman’s car. The crash happened at around 3 a.m. The woman, who was not wearing a seat belt, was ejected from her car and died at the scene. The man, who is from Kissimmee, is facing criminal charges for the accident.

Types of Car Accidents in Kissimmee

While there are unique circumstances to each car accident, they often fall within several categories. To better understand the situation you’re in, here are the types of accidents you should know: 

  • Side-impact collisions: These happen when a vehicle hits another at the side of the car. They’re very dangerous, as the occupants of the car hit are the most vulnerable. 
  • Single-vehicle accidents: These often happen when a car collides with debris or other objects in its path. It can also occur because of an animal or collision with a road fixture like a guard rail. 
  • Merging accidents: Getting into a crowded lane can lead to accidents if one party isn’t careful. If one vehicle fails to check its angles before moving in, it can collide with other cars. This can also happen if the other drivers do not give way to one merging. 
  • Sideswipes: Two vehicles driving parallel to each other can get into an accident if they get too close. These sometimes happen when one fails to check their side before changing a lane. 
  • Rollovers: These can be dangerous accidents because the force of the collision on the environment causes the car to turn over. Apart from serious injuries, the damage to the vehicles can also lead to fires and explosions. 
  • Multi-vehicle accidents: The most common accidents happen when many cars are involved. One driver makes a mistake, causing an accident that affects multiple parties. 
  • Head-on collisions: They can be the deadliest for both vehicles involved because of the impact. It often leads to grave injuries and even death. 
  • Rear-end collisions: A driver who does not take care of the space in front of them can collide with a vehicle. This can also happen when the car in front suddenly brakes or changes its direction.

Common Causes of Car Accidents in Kissimmee

Many factors contribute to a car accident. It may happen because of one or several of these causes combined. Here are the most common ones: 

  • Distracted driving: Accidents happen when a driver fails to pay attention to the road with 100% focus. They may not notice a hazard or another vehicle if they do something else while driving. 
  • Road conditions: Poorly maintained roads increase the risk of an accident happening. They can influence brake efficiency and lead to car damage like a broken tire. 
  • Speeding: People who increase their speeds tend to have trouble with control if they’re not used to it. Many who go beyond the speed limit get into accidents. 
  • Ignoring traffic signs: Traffic signs exist to protect drivers and maintain order on the road. 
  • Reckless driving: Ignoring the best practices for your safety or that of others will increase the chances of an accident. Fast lane switching and failing to make signals are some actions that constitute reckless driving. 
  • Driving under the influence: Being under the influence of alcohol or drugs can impair judgment and affect the senses. These can lead to accidents because the body isn’t performing at its best capacity. 
  • Fatigue: Exhaustion or a lack of sleep can prevent a driver from responding quickly. They may be unable to navigate a road situation quickly enough to avoid it. 

What To Do After a Kissimmee Car Accident

The priority after a car accident is to seek medical attention. Refrain from moving yourself or moving anyone else if there are signs of pain. Getting treatment can help reduce the effects of any injuries and prevent unwanted stress on the body. 

If you can, gather information about the accident itself. Taking pictures and getting details of those in the scene can help your future case. If you can, get contact details from any authorities or those who witnessed the accident. 

While you are recovering or after you’ve recovered, seek out a lawyer immediately. It’s vital to have enough time to see your different legal options. More time also means we’ll be able to gather sufficient evidence for the case. 

If you cannot gather any information or evidence during the accident, do not fret. If you contact us early, we can get to work. We’ll be able to investigate the incident and get as many details as possible. 

Florida imposes a four-year statute of limitations on car accidents. That means that you must file a case within that time for it to remain valid. If someone perishes in the accident, the state gives two years because it is a wrongful death case. If you file any later, the court will reject it. 

Two to four years is plenty of time to get ready. However, we recommend consulting with us as soon as possible. The more time we have, the more solid the case will be, as we’ll gather everything we can to improve your chances. 

How an Attorney Can Help After a Kissimmee Car Accident

An attorney will act as your representative, diligently fighting for your rights after a Kissimmee car accident. We want to ensure you get the best possible result, like financial compensation covering your medical needs and the future. We’ll be able to negotiate with the other party and bring the case to court if needed. We’ll gather all the evidence and handle all conversations while you focus on recovery. 

Understanding the legal system will improve your chances of getting the necessary compensation. Contacting us should be your priority after an accident so you get all the help you can. 

Schedule A Free Case Consultation

We are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, from Miami to New York City, we are available to help you.

Contact a Car Accident Lawyer in Kissimmee

A car accident can change your life for the worse. You’ll need legal experts who understand your situation and how you can get the financial help you need to move forward. 

At The Ward Law Group, we prioritize providing for the needs of those involved in these life-changing events. We’ve helped many people in the Hispanic community get the finances they need. Contact us today to get a free consultation on your case.