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Reckless Driving Car Accident Lawyer in Brooklyn

Reckless driving is considered when a person maneuvering a motor vehicle performs actions that may lead to negligent acts toward his or her surroundings, even if he or she is aware of what he or she is doing. Knowing that driving aggressively without taking the necessary precautions could cause harm to someone, he maintains this attitude without considering that his actions could lead to unfortunate consequences. 

There are several examples of reckless driving in Brooklyn, from drivers who, during rush hour, want to avoid traffic jams and commit the imprudence of invading lanes, climbing onto sidewalks, passing another vehicle abruptly while honking their car horn, and showing a defiant attitude toward the rules they make. of the community a civilized world. 

Reckless drivers are mostly a pest to the society we and people of good values defend. They are also the product of undigested emotional aspects or undeveloped personalities. They are a symptom of accelerated times when following the natural rhythm of things is not allowed. They are those deluded people who want to get to everything first; it doesn't matter if they destroy everything in their path. 

New York State Laws on Reckless Driving 

In New York, reckless driving has legal consequences, even more so if regrettable consequences result from these actions and attitudes.  

First, we want to share some laws that are part of the legal framework that operates in Brooklyn and New York State. We want you to be able to identify some laws that will be used to defend a case before a court or to request compensation according to the damages caused. 

Some of the laws and regulations that must be taken into account in these cases are the following: 

1. New York Vehicle and Traffic Law (VTL) Section 1212: This section of New York's Vehicle and Traffic Law addresses reckless driving, defining it as the operation of a vehicle with "reckless disregard for the safety of others." It specifies that reckless driving is a misdemeanor offense and outlines potential penalties, including fines and imprisonment. 

2. Speeding and Aggressive Driving Laws (VTL Section 1180): In New York, aggressive driving, including excessive speeding, tailgating, and erratic lane changes, can be considered reckless driving. VTL Section 1180 outlines speed limits and regulations, emphasizing safe and responsible driving. 

3. Vehicular Assault and Manslaughter Laws (Penal Law Article 120): Reckless driving that leads to serious injuries or fatalities may result in charges of vehicular assault or vehicular manslaughter. These charges are detailed in New York's Penal Law Article 120 and carry severe penalties, including imprisonment. 

4. Reckless Endangerment Laws (Penal Law Article 120): In some cases, reckless driving can also lead to charges of reckless endangerment, as defined in New York's Penal Law Article 120. This statute addresses actions that create a substantial risk of serious physical injury or death to others due to reckless behavior. 

5. Points on Driving Record (VTL Section 516): New York's Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) assigns points to drivers' records for various traffic violations, including reckless driving. Accumulating too many points within a specific timeframe can result in license suspension or revocation. 

As mentioned, Reckless driving can manifest itself in many ways and take many forms. The idea is to be prepared to prevent some of these aggressive activities from altering our daily lives in Brooklyn and not prevent us from exercising our right to move freely without feeling the anxiety that someone or something may harm us simply because who is not aware that action brings a reaction, and that negligent actions lead to unfortunate consequences. 

One of our expert reckless driving accident lawyers has been in charge of outlining the most common types of reckless driving so that it is within the reach of our community. An informed community is a safer community! 

Excessive Speeding: Driving significantly over the posted speed limit, endangering others on the road. Excessive speeding reduces reaction time and increases the severity of accidents. 

Tailgating: Following the vehicle in front too closely, leaving insufficient braking distance. Tailgating can lead to rear-end collisions and is a common cause of accidents. 

Running Red Lights: Ignoring traffic signals and entering intersections after the light has turned red. This behavior poses a high risk of T-bone or broadside collisions. 

Aggressive Lane Changes: Making frequent and abrupt lane changes without signaling or proper merging. Such behavior can cause accidents and road rage incidents. 

Reckless Overtaking: passing other vehicles in a dangerous manner, such as on curves or in no-passing zones. This endangers both the overtaking and oncoming drivers. 

Street Racing: Engaging in illegal races on public roads poses a serious risk to everyone involved. Street racing can lead to catastrophic accidents and fatalities. 

Distracted Driving: Using a phone, texting, or engaging in other distracting behaviors while driving. Distraction diverts attention from the road, increasing the likelihood of accidents. 

Impaired Driving: Operating a vehicle under the influence of alcohol, drugs, or other substances that impair judgment and reaction time. Impaired drivers are more likely to cause accidents and injuries. 

Ignoring Stop Signs: Failing to come to a complete stop at stop signs before proceeding. Ignoring stop signs can lead to dangerous right-of-way conflicts. 

Wrong-Way Driving: Traveling in the opposite direction of traffic on one-way streets or highways. Wrong-way driving can result in head-on collisions. 

Failure to Yield: Not yielding the right of way to other vehicles, pedestrians, or cyclists as traffic laws require. Failure to yield can lead to dangerous conflicts and accidents at intersections. 

Reckless Weaving: Making sudden and unnecessary changes between lanes without regard for safety. Weaving in and out of traffic disrupts the flow and can lead to accidents. 

Driving Without Headlights: Operating a vehicle at night or in low visibility. This reduces visibility and increases the risk of accidents. 

Driving on Sidewalks or Shoulders: Using non-road areas for driving, endangering pedestrians and cyclists. Driving in these areas is illegal and hazardous. 

Evading Law Enforcement: Attempting to flee from police officers during a traffic stop or pursuit. High-speed chases can endanger other motorists and pedestrians and lead to severe legal consequences. 

Common Injuries in Reckless Driving Accidents 

Since we assumed our role of serving our community through our law firm, we have had to deal with the physical and emotional consequences of these types of incidents. 

Health experts have cooperated with us over the years, and our professionals have worked together to generate the following list of the most common injuries. If you identify any with your case, please contact immediately one of our Brooklyn reckless driving accident lawyers 

to hear your version of the facts and to evaluate a possible strategy to proceed most effectively as soon as possible. 

  • Whiplash: Sudden, forceful movements of the head and neck can cause whiplash, resulting in neck pain, stiffness, and headaches. 
  • Concussion: Reckless driving accidents can lead to head injuries, causing concussions with symptoms like dizziness, confusion, and memory problems. 
  • Fractures: High-impact collisions may result in broken bones, such as fractures of the arms, legs, ribs, or facial bones. 
  • Spinal Cord Injuries: Severe accidents can damage the spinal cord, leading to partial or complete paralysis and lifelong disabilities. 
  • Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBIs): Head trauma in reckless driving accidents can cause TBIs, which vary in severity and may result in cognitive impairments, personality changes, or comas. 
  • Internal Organ Damage: Blunt force trauma can harm internal organs, leading to bleeding, organ perforation, and life-threatening conditions. 
  • Burns: Fires or explosions in accidents can cause first-degree (superficial) to third-degree (full-thickness) burns, often requiring surgery and skin grafts. 
  • Soft Tissue Injuries: Muscles, tendons, and ligaments can suffer injuries, leading to strains, sprains, and chronic pain. 
  • Abrasions and Lacerations: Skin injuries, such as road rash, cuts, and deep lacerations, can result from contact with hard surfaces or broken glass. 
  • Internal Hemorrhages: Blunt force trauma may cause internal bleeding, which can be life-threatening if not promptly treated. 
  • Broken Teeth: Facial impacts can lead to dental injuries, including chipped, cracked, or knocked-out teeth. 
  • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD): Survivors of reckless driving accidents may experience PTSD, leading to flashbacks, anxiety, and nightmares. 
  • Emotional Distress: The psychological impact of an accident can cause emotional distress, affecting mental health and well-being. 
  • Amputations: Severe accidents may result in traumatic amputations of limbs or extremities. 
  • Crush Injuries: In multi-vehicle collisions, individuals may suffer crush injuries when trapped inside vehicles, potentially causing fractures and internal injuries. 

What type of compensation can I aspire to after an event of this nature? This will depend on many aspects and details, so you must contact us as soon as possible to understand your case and know how to proceed. 

However, we want to give you some possible ideas for possible compensation for you to take into account: 

Medical Expenses: 

• Victims of reckless driving accidents are entitled to compensation for all medical expenses related to their injuries, including ambulance rides, hospital stays, surgeries, doctor's visits, medications, physical therapy, and future medical care. 

• This compensation covers current and anticipated medical costs, ensuring victims receive the necessary treatment without financial hardship. 

Lost Wages: 

• Victims who are unable to work due to injuries from reckless driving accidents can seek compensation for lost wages and any potential future income losses. 

• This includes compensation for time missed from work, reduced earning capacity, and disability-related income adjustments. 

Pain and Suffering: 

• Victims are eligible for compensation for the physical and emotional pain and suffering they experience as a result of their injuries. This includes the physical discomfort, emotional distress, and mental anguish caused by the accident and its aftermath. 

• Compensation for pain and suffering addresses the intangible losses that affect a victim's quality of life. 

Property Damage: 

• Victims can seek compensation for property damage resulting from the accident. This includes repairing or replacing damaged vehicles, personal belongings, and other property affected in the collision. 

• Compensation for property damage ensures that victims are not burdened with the costs of repairing or replacing their belongings. 

Contact a Reckless Driving Accident Attorney in Brooklyn

The aftermath of a wreck can be hard to navigate. But you don't have to face it alone. At The Ward Law Group, we are ready to offer you the legal services you need to get back on your feet. Let us handle the entire process of filing a personal injury claim so you can focus on recovery. 

We work tirelessly to ensure you get the compensation you deserve. Our expert car accident attorneys have over 30 years of combined experience helping injured victims get justice.

Contact us today at 855-DOLOR-55 for a free case consultation!